Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dave Snowden: Knowledge management and Narrative

I heard Dave Snowden at a KM conference in 2000 and haven't thought about tacit-explicit knowledge, narrative and organizational change in the same way since.

This link is to an article from 1999 on storytelling: an old skill in a new context

This link is to a post on his blog referring to a talk he gave on KM in Dallas in February.
He touches on the concept of decision making on the basis of "first pattern match" which sounds like the same view of decision making researched in Sources of Power by Gary Klein.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It draws on Gary's work and I strongly recommend his book Sources of Power although we have blended Gary's work with material from Cognitive Science experiments and our own narrative work Gary and I are working together on some projects at the moment so expect a joint paper and some new material. Thants for the reference